Legislation guide
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The official home of UK legislation, revised and as enacted 1267-present. This website is managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. The Quality of Legislation team participates in the drafting and management of several Interinstitutional guides on the drafting of legal acts of the Union such supporting a Minister in obtaining Cabinet approval to draft legislation,; participating in the drafting of legislation,; managing legislative projects.Welcome to the House Office of the Legislative Counsel Guide to Legislative Drafting. The purpose of this online guide is to provide an overview of the Legislation Handbook. Listen. GovernmentPolicies and Guidelines. Tuesday, 07 February 2017. Publication author(s):. Department of the Prime Minister and This guide has been prepared by the Secretariat to the Parliamentary Business and Legislation Committee of Cabinet, with the advice of Parliamentary Counsel These guides, published by the LGA, summarise the impact of legislation on local government and the work of the LGA in influencing the legislation as it
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