Ika c200 bomb calorimeter manual
IKA analytical equipment designed for scientists C 200Calorimeter Calorimeter C 200 Compact low cost semi automated calorimeter to determine calorific values of liquid and solid samples. Suitable for educational purposes (e.g. technical schools, universities) and for commercial, industrial laboratories The C 200 Calorimeter by IKA is a compact and affordable calorimeter for measuring the calorific values present in solid and liquid samples up to 40 kJ. Ideal for chemistry and food labs, but also great in low-throughput industrial labs. Four different modes (isoperibol, dynamic, manual, and IKA C 200 Combustion Calorimeter: space-saving, low-cost combustion calorimeter for determining gross calorific values of liquid and solid samples. Manual handling for water and oxygen filling. Four different working methods: Isoperibolic, dynamic, manual, time-controlled. Clear and easy to read View online Operating instructions manual for IKA C 200 Laboratory Equipment or simply click Download button to examine the IKA C 200 guidelines offline on your desktop or laptop computer. Calorimeter system C 200. The IKA C 200 compact semi-automated combustion calorimeter is a space saving, low cost instrument to determine calorific values of liquid and FEATURES: - Four different test procedures isoperibol, dynamic, manual and time-controlled allow ideal adaptation to various tasks - Calorific
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