Read the manual meaning
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Are you looking for meaning of Read The Manual (read the manual) in Swedish? English-Swedish dictionary - Dictionary of All Language. Although largely unsubstantiated, usage of RTFM may have begun as a military lingo during World War II, when the phrase "Read The Field Manual" became a staple This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of RTFM is. RTFM = Read the freaking manual. RTFM = Read the fricking manual. Meaning of Read The Manual online. Know what does Read The Manual means with definition and explanation online around the web.Examples of 'instruction manual' in a sentence. instruction manual These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Read RTM means "Read the Manual." The abbreviation RTM is used with the meaning "Read the Manual" as an instruction to a questioner to find the answer for themselves Manual definition: Manual work is work in which you use your hands or your physical Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Read more 1 to comprehend the meaning of (something written or printed) by looking at and interpreting the written or printed characters · 2 to be occupied in such an Idiot: All I see is the manual, where's the RTFM? Engineer: RAGE!!! RTFM is a internet word used to say "Read the f***ing manual". Bob - I need help :(
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