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A Swiss Army Knife sort of python scripts collection to manipulate PDFs. It relies on: pdfjam; pdftk; pdfunite (poppler); ghostscript; mupdf-tools. # Install. @xralf: My python script just reads from standard input and writes to standard output. The pdfjam version requires pdfjam 2.0; it's only a small wrapper around Install pdfjam command on any operating system. Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix pythontex -- Run Python from within a document, I Guess you can PDFknife which makes use of pdfjam under the hood pypi.org/project/PDFknife/ pip install PDFknife. For example, I tried installing pdfjam (which required me to install 88.1 MB worth of packages from texlive-latex-base in order to achieve a functionalityThe pdfjam script takes one or more PDF files (and/or JPG/PNG graphics files) as input, and produces one or more PDF files as output. It is useful for joining pdfjam --pagenumbering true By default, pdfjam adds the following LaTeX command to every page: Multiple pngs/pdfs per page using python.
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